
Query Nodulation Data in GRIN Taxonomy

Nodulation data reflect positive and negative literature reports of nodulating bacteria from roots and stems, primarily from taxa of Fabaceae. The data may be queried by family classification or by genus and species; either search type can be combined with geographical distribution.
Note: Searches returning more than 1000 rows will be automatically downloaded to an Excel file.
Use the Shift key + s, n or d to navigate between tabs, and the Shift + f or g to switch between family and genus search.

Banco Nacional de Germoplasma Vegetal Policy

The “Banco Português de Germoplasma Vegetal” (BPGV) conserves living seed and plant samples of mainly Portuguese crops and their wild relatives.

BPGV ensures that the genetic resources that support our food supply are both secure in the medium and long term for future generations and available for use by farmers, plant breeders, and researchers.

These collections are important to ensure that crop plants, which may contain genes to resist disease, provide enhanced nutrition, or survive in changing or harsh environments do not become endangered or extinct over time.

The BPGV located in Braga, Portugal maintains clonal and seed collections of the most important crops, such as cereals, grain legumes, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants, forage, pasture and fruit species.

The BPGV is maintained as a global public good under the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA).

BPGV is the custodian of one of the largest germplasm collections, with more than 10,000 accessions maintained as seeds and living plants, and recently started a cryopreservation programme.